Manimaran G V

When every country is tagged with  one or other growth factor as a potential to prosper, India – our Mother nation is said to be  possessing the highest young population as a growth factor which drives our country  to emerge as a global leader in all sphere in the days ahead.

While I too believe strongly the power of youth, brimming with abundant enthusiasm, I strongly believe that their energy could be effectively channelised if there is a guidance from the equally powerful elders decorated with experience, expertise and exposure.

The objective of the article is to analyse the various situations and generate awareness among the elders  to be alive to the situation and arrive solution if it is within their reach.

Situation 1.

India secured independence in 1947 and flexed its muscles in every possible way and marched fast towards attaining self reliance in all the growth factors like Education, industry and Agriculture.

Situation 2.

The country was guided by the committed leaders dedicated their life with the  conviction of anchoring the country in the growth orbit.

Their experience and exposure were deployed in bringing prosperity to the country, though many of them might not have possessed formal educational qualifications.

Situation 3.

The plight of downtrodden is not much changed.

  1. Green revolution white revolution and Blue revolution and Industrial revolution were Successful and the production & productivity increased manifold but the economical conditions of the people involved in such activities remains unaltered.
  2. E- commerce is established, e platforms are opened, e payment gateways are introduced, Experience in the malls are excellent. But, small traders and vendors are in the streets.
  1. Modern agriculture, Improvised research, Nano technology introduced in production, Vegetative propagation through tissue culture technology and increased output. But, fake seed companies, fake fertiliser  companies, non availability of financial input at the hour of need  and not getting appropriate  price realisation to the agro products even today resulting in farmers’ suicide  in this modern world.
  1. Thanks to the proliferation of professional colleges and other educational institutions, huge number of educated and skilled young professionals are available in big number, but, still remain jobless or engaged in the lowly paid professions not matching to their basic educational qualifications.

Situation 4

Not much promising changes in the politics and in the politicians. When every activity is changing dynamically, the government and the governance is not appearing to be changing matching to the metamorphosis  expected.

Situation 5

The country which was progressing rapidly with the external assistance almost reached the self reliance in all the fields in 1060s itself.

Situation 6

The indian children born in late 50s and 60s are the kids took birth, got education, employed in the independent and indigenous india and employed & engaged in building the modern india which effectively took place after 90s.

Situation 7

  1. These 60s kids who were playing major role in building the modern india which is expectedly to emerge to become global power have been retiring from the services from 2020 onwards.
  2. They are superannuating from every profession viz. Civil service, Judiciary, defence, Scientists, Teachers, Executives from the private sector and Sports persons and what not.
  3. These people are still healthy to be active for next 15 years, wealthy with reasonable quantum of retirement benefits, possessing abundant knowledge and rich acumen & attitude to serve the nation.


  1. These individuals spread over the country must come forward to serve the nation by taking role and responsibilities even in politics in their respective zone.
  2. They need not wait for somebody to crate opportunities and they take the role of guiding the untrained but ambitious youth.
  3. Every such learned individual can become one man army in extending assistance to the needy.
  4. It can be an collaborative attempt in their respective geographical zone to disseminate the skill & knowledge of their respective discipline.
  5. It could become a big federation to transform the nation.
  6. Country also to contemplate to bring them under a formal institution.

If things move on the above line, ours is the only nation blessed with the perfect blend of enthusiastic youth and experienced elders and everyone can claim role in having built the strength n india.

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