Kumar Vikas
Reporter Motherland, Delhi

BMS welcomed the initiative taken by Finance Minister to redress small Farmers and Migrant workers through financial schemes. Virjesh Upadhyay, National General Secretary of BMS has issued a press release today to welcome the initiative taken by the finance minister. He said that the second part of the financial package announced by Hon’ble Finance Minister to redress the problems of small farmers, Migrant Labourers, Street Vendors and Self Employed are the right steps at right directions. Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh wholeheartedly welcomes the second part of the package.

Portability of welfare benefits; ESI benefits to all establishments with 10 employees; Voluntary basis ESI coverage for below 10 Employees; mandatory ESI benefits in hazardous Industries; Social Security coverage for platform workers, Gig workers and unorganized sector workers, payment of Gratuity for fix term employees for working for One year is a good move. Universal coverage of ESIC throughout the country is a historical decision.

“One Nation One Ration Card”; food grains to Migrant labourers of urban and rural areas; shelters for urban homeless peoples; Free food grains for Non-Ration cardholders; houses at nominal rent in urban and Industrial Areas; some type of basic works under MGNREGA in their home states; Rs.10.000/- credit for Street vendors; interest subventions to Sishu Mudra Scheme category; appointment letter to all contract workers employed with contractors; liquidity support to the rural economy through small and marginal farmers are the most welcoming steps. This will generate job opportunities and gives way out to livelihood. BMS strongly feels that the Government has responded to unorganized sectors workers concerns and taken the right decisions at the right time.

In this connection, BMS would like to bring to the notice of Hon’ble prime Minister and Finance Minister about the problems of forest workers, Marine & Riverine Fishers, Plantation workers, Handloom workers, Private Transport workers, Domestic workers, all types Scheme workers and Occupation based self-employed workers (Vishwakarma sector) like Barbers, Carpenters, Washer men, Potters, and Cobblers etc. We request the Government of India to formulate some special schemes to address these workers problems.

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